Have you ever seen a child fall down and get hurt? Ever noticed what they do afterwards? They immediately begin looking around for help…scanning the horizon for a familiar face who will offer them comfort and solace. That instinct doesn’t change as we grow up. As adults, life continues to knock us down from time to time. Usually the falls grow steeper and the hurts are more painful. But our response remains the same. We always look somewhere for help and comfort and solace.
The question is…where do we turn?
On Sunday, we’re beginning a new sermon series on the book of Ruth. This book opens with a pretty steep fall and the response of the characters involved will help teach us a great deal about ourselves and where we turn in our trials. So come and join us this Sunday morning as we launch into Ruth.
Scripture Reading: Ruth 1
Bulletin: February 2, 2014
The stories of all that God is doing in and through the people at Church of the Apostles.
The Sunday Set-Up for January 26. 2014
Ever felt like you were being judged? Like you have been trying to
live up to some impossibly high standard and continually falling short? Like
you are always two steps away from being a loser? No one likes to be judged,
yet the Bible tells us that we will all be judged by God. Is that good news or
bad? What does it mean practically for our lives that God is a judge and should
we ever relate to Him in that way?
Please join us this Sunday as we seek to answer these questions in our fourth
and final message in the series, “Who is God?"
Readings: Psalm 98 and John 5:19-30
Bulletin: January 26, 2014
Sunday Set-Up
Sing Like You’re Moses
I was greatly encouraged by our time together as a Church
family this past Sunday. I usually am,
but this week was especially poignant.
For starters, Patrick’s sermon, “Warrior” from Exodus 15,
got my attention. God’s people had just
been miraculously delivered out of Egypt and Pharaoh, along with his army, had
been defeated. Moses, and his sister
Miriam, responded accordingly, singing in great detail of the Lord and His
mighty acts. Patrick zeroed in on verse
3; “The Lord is a warrior.” He stated, “The
song of Moses is OUR song. It’s
appropriated through a greater Deliverer, Jesus Christ.” Boom. I’ve
read this passage before, but when Patrick made this connection, things got extra
real for me.
Last Sunday marked my one-year anniversary serving here at
Apostles. It has been a fantastic year and
my family and I are extremely grateful to God and to this congregation. Now, I’m
a bit of a Daydreamer. While Patrick was
speaking, I began to imagine what it might be like if I immediately and
specifically responded, like Moses, and sang of God’s faithfulness – right then
and there. My new song might start out
something like this:
“I will sing to the
For He is highly
In His faithfulness
He brought us to a new
A land flowing with
milk and honey (Hello Goodberry’s!)
He has loved us
through His people
He has continued His
work of redemption
The LORD rules!
I’m still working on the tune. Seriously though, I feel a great urgency for my
heart and mind to come alive and respond more fully to what God has done and is
doing around me, daily, hourly.
Then it happened. Patrick read a quote from Christian
author/pastor John Ortberg that juxtaposed the way we respond in the context of
a sporting event versus the way we respond with the people that we love, not to
mention with the One Whom we love the most.
Ortberg wrote about our Warrior and His great love and sacrifice for
us. He finished with, “Jesus
Christ is risen!” When Patrick read
this, our congregation erupted in applause and cheers. My heart was pounding. My eyes were tearing. I wanted to rush the piano and break into
song. We were responding, like Moses.
Even more, at the end of the service before we sang our
closing song, I mentioned that our drummer was absent because his wife had just
given birth. I then asked if the
congregation would be the drums by clapping along with this upbeat ditty. They did and they didn’t stop until the song
was over. Now, that might seem like no
big thing, but it was significant to me.
It was like adding fuel to a fire.
As I become more like Christ, I wonder if I might respond more
appropriately simply because that’s what Christ did – respond. We were separated from God, with no
hope. We were dead with no signs of
life. But Christ, Who is our Hope and
Life, responded. And what a
response! Amen.
Jonathan Noël
PS – Here is another opportunity to respond: The Worship
Ministry at Apostles is currently in need of additional musicians, with
experience and a heart to serve, to fill the following positions:
• Drummer
• Electric Guitar
• Acoustic Guitar
• Piano/Keyboards
• Cello/Violin
If you are interested, or know someone who might be, I
invite you to contact me at: jonathan@apostles-raleigh.org
Thank you!
The Sunday Set-Up for January 19, 2014
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Me and family and friends at a Paintball outing. About the closest I have ever come to being a “warrior." |
Reading for Sunday: Exodus 15:1-18
Bulletin for Sunday: January 19, 2014
Sunday Set-Up
2014 Women's Retreat...It might be just what you need
by Jennifer Kromhout
How ironic to be asked to write about my experiences at the women’s retreat in the past when I was seriously considering not attending this year. But our God had other plans for me and they seem to include attending the retreat this year in spite of myself.
How ironic to be asked to write about my experiences at the women’s retreat in the past when I was seriously considering not attending this year. But our God had other plans for me and they seem to include attending the retreat this year in spite of myself.
I am like many of you…I have some things going on. In fact
I have a LOT going on right now that could prevent me from going to the
retreat. Or at least that’s the excuse I could use. But don’t you know this
past Sunday I was speaking to some dear, young women, I’ll call them my “in
their early 30’s friends”, who when they heard I didn’t have a roommate were
all about inviting me to room with them (sweet things don’t know I snore like a
freight train!). I have to say I felt
so loved in that moment and isn’t that what we are called to be as a church? To
love and encourage each other about everything having to do with our walk. Even
attending our churches women’s retreat?
So I am GOING to the retreat and I encourage as many of you
to come as possible. Having attended for the past several years I can guarantee
you will feel His presence there with us, you will meet some ladies you’ve
never met before and you’ll have time with some ladies you already know. If we
are as lucky as we’ve been in the past, you might even get your toes in the sand
during our Saturday afternoon break. We all have “things going on” right? That
is EXACTLY why we need to go to the Women’s Retreat! I look forward to seeing
you there; stop and say hello!
For more info and to sign up, visit our website: http://apostles-raleigh.org/womens-retreat/
For more info and to sign up, visit our website: http://apostles-raleigh.org/womens-retreat/
The Sunday Set-Up for January 12, 2014

Reading for Sunday: Luke 9:18-27
Bulletin for Sunday: January 12, 2014
Sunday Set-Up
The Sunday Set-Up for January 5, 2014
Sermon Teaser: God is our Father. Have you ever thought about what that means? Would you describe your relationship to God as that of a daughter or son to a loving Father? What is your own relationship to your father like and how does that impact the way you see God? Come join us this Sunday as we explore the fatherhood of God.
Reading for Sunday: Luke 15:11-32
Bulletin for Sunday: January 5, 2014
PS-Don’t forget! This Sunday, January 5, Town Hall meeting at 10:00!
Reading for Sunday: Luke 15:11-32
Bulletin for Sunday: January 5, 2014
PS-Don’t forget! This Sunday, January 5, Town Hall meeting at 10:00!
Sunday Set-Up
God Working Through Our Inadequacies
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Janet Whited |
feel very fortunate to have been encouraged by Ford and Eric to participate in
the Sunday School class they were teaching on inductive Bible Study this past semester. (Actually I was under the impression that attendance was required for
community group leaders!) Either way, God knew I needed to be there.
had facilitated a number of Bible Studies through the years, but I had always
used questions provided by a book or an organization. This class was truly
transformative. Over the course of the semester we slowly worked our way
through the process of studying the Bible ourselves and then coming up with
questions for a group that would help everyone observe, interpret and apply Scripture
to their lives.
the months I was amazed that we could produce questions strictly by reading the
Bible, with no commentary or additional study, but with the leading of the Holy
Spirit. I was also learning a lot from not only Ford and Eric, but from the
other members of the class. I was sure that everyone in that room had a better
understanding of the Bible than I did. So imagine my surprise when I got an
email from Eric the Thursday before our last class asking me to develop a Bible
Study on a particular passage and lead the class! I asked Eric if he had
accidentally sent this request to me rather than someone else. This class was full of spiritual powerhouses.
I was just there to learn! When he assured me he had, in fact, intended to ask
me, I agreed to do it.
much fear and trepidation and especially prayer, I was able to prepare the
lesson and to lead it as well. Not only did God make the study process exciting
and meaningful, but he sustained me as I led the class. There was excellent
discussion, and I never felt nervous once we started. God is always sufficient,
and we often forget that until we step out in faith to do something we know we
are inadequate to do on our own.
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