Matthew 22:37
Jesus Replied: Love the
Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your
Hi my name is Beka
Dominguez. I am not sure what actually prompted me to start going to the prayer
ministry about two and a half years ago except maybe that I was just fed up of
feeling stuck in my faith. Feeling like I continued to go back to the same struggles,
the same battles in my heart, mind and in my relationship with God. When I read
this verse I knew that there was a deep meaning to it but I could not, for the
life of me figure out how to love God with my whole heart soul and mind because
it almost felt like I didn’t really have full access to those places to give
them to God. I wasn’t even sure what kept me from being able to give it all, I
just knew that I wasn’t capable and I knew that God had more of Himself for me
to experience and I wanted that.
So I started going to
prayer a couple times with Katie and Barbie and a few times with Marilyn and
John and God started a great work of healing in me. For those of you that don’t
know, I have a rebellious past and was not walking out my faith in college. So
although I turned from those things toward the end of college, the broken
string of relationships and selfish decisions had left a mark on me, as had
many years of peoples’ words, thoughts, and sometimes incredibly destructive
advice to me. I was like a sponge soaking up the world and healing prayer was
like God wringing out all that I had retained and then filling me back up with
him. There were so many areas that I had
tried to surrender to the Lord, that I had asked him to heal wounds and bring
victory and yet it had not come.
Praying in groups is not
a magical formula, and these times of prayer are not instant cures. Although I
do believe God can heal us instantly of anything, the work of healing in my
life was slow and deliberate. Looking back it was as quick as I could even
process all that he was making new in my life.
I do believe he promises
us that when two or more are gathered together in his name he will be there. He
also promises that he will guide us, he will speak to us, and he will make
known to us the will of God for our lives through the Holy Spirit and
The more that I prayed
the more he healed and the more access he gave me to Him which in turn brought
a deep connection to the gifts that he has given me to serve the church.
Ultimately he desires our healing and in my experience a great work of healing
happened because we sought my healing together as brothers and sisters in
prayer together.
So the result for my
life was an intensity in relationship with the Lord that I had previously not
had access to. He has healed deep wounds and he has prepared me through those
times to step out in crazy faith knowing that his plans are much better than my
I am sharing this
because the body of Christ needs for its members to be healed and to play their
part, and God wants to give you the fullness that is in Christ.
The prayer ministry was
a place where I could confess long unconfessed sins and be free. It was a place
that I learned to connect with Jesus, to listen and to follow without fear, it
was where I started to actually believe God loved me and live like it, and
where I began to understand and live out loving God with my heart, mind and
I was scared at first of
being judged, but there is nothing you can bring there that God does not
already know. He has healed me, answered questions I had, shared discernment,
comforted me in hard times, and helped me forgive in those prayer times. My prayer for this
church is that every person would experience this level of healing in every
area and would be knit together in prayer. Prayer changes everything.
It is really easy to
request a time to meet with the prayer team. If you are interested you can call
the church phone number and let them know you would be interested in scheduling
time with the prayer team.
They always meet with
you with two prayer team members and everything said is confidential so you
don't have to worry about things you pray being shared with others. It is a
beautiful space for healing and restoration.