On September 10th, we met at 9 AM at the Wrightsville Beach Brewery for Worship on Sunday morning. It was special and a sweet sweet time with the Lord. The space worked very well. (As a complete aside. We are being charged $100 per week for rental of the space. This very low rent is a huge blessing. The owner made it even better and charged us just $1 for the first week. I was informed by the owner last week that the first 11 weeks of our rent were anonymously taken care of. I think maybe God is showing off a bit.) Our systems came together. There is a wonderful team of very talented and hard working people that have made this at all possible. We even had children's church. We call it the "REEF." The kids had a great time and seem excited about coming back for another go around this week.

Thank you each for making this church possible. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. I can't wait to get back together with this family to Worship our Lord Jesus.
Many blessings to you.
Curt Solomon