The day the Blaziers brought Lexie home. |
This summer during Vacation Bible School, the kids
learned Philippians 4:6 "Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about
everything, tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done." This has been an often repeated verse in our
house these last few months. In June,
the baby we had been praying for over two years to adopt was born. The story of how God brought her to our
family could fill up several blog posts (including the fact that a small group
of women at Apostles chose a random day in May to pray and fast for us to adopt
a baby, and the day they chose was (unknown to them and us) the very day that
our daughter’s birth mother was making her decision about what family to
choose)! We were in awe and so thankful that
God prompted these ladies to intercede for us at the exact time we needed it.
Unfortunately, our daughter, Lexie, was born with a
bulging right eye. An MRI revealed one
of the largest masses the surgeon had seen in a baby so small – it filled her
eye socket and then some. A biopsy (major
surgery for a 9 week old) was scheduled.
After the biopsy, the surgeon came to tell us he could not find the mass.
It was not there anymore! All praise and
honor to the Lord God Almighty! The
surgeon was dumbfounded. He said if he
had not seen the MRI, he would never have known there was anything wrong with
her eye. The recovery room nurse said “You must be a praying family.” Yes we
are. But it was not just us who had been
praying - it was our family, friends, people we had never met, and all of our
dear Apostles family. We are overwhelmed
by the Lord’s kindness, power, and unmerited favor in healing Lexie this way,
and saving her from the radiation and drugs that had already been discussed as
likely next steps. We are also overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, prayer,
meals, emails and encouragement from our church family. We have truly experienced what it means to be
part of the Body of Christ, and have learned a lot about the power of prayer
and blessing of community along the way. Our hearts are full of gratitude for you
What an awesome story! Hallelujah!!