by Helen Pettiford

Unfortunately, we
often tune out those closest to us like our family and friends because “they have to say nice things to us” or “maybe they don’t really know
everything …” Herein lays the value of teachers. A teacher’s encouragement
can have a profound effect simply because it fortifies or restores love from
family and friends. One such teacher fostered a spirit of authenticity in me by
taking an interest in me. Then, I took interest in me, accepted me, and
loved me. She reinforced the truth that I am a person of interest because God
made me that way. So, every day I go to Sanderson High School and I take an
interest in students.
God opened up my eyes
to one particular student two years ago. I will never forget the morning I
found out that Sophia’s* apartment had burned down overnight in an electrical
fire. She made it out with the clothes on her back and one family
picture. When I met with her family later that afternoon I got to hear
their story, which was overrun with hardships that had started years before the
flames. Sophia was no stranger to homelessness and worrying about money
for meals. Her academic progress had even been hindered for years because of
such obstacles.
Sophia desired to do
well in school but didn’t feel worthy of success or even of asking for help. Her
mom and I prayed over the phone many nights, we came up with a plan and I
became Sophia’s mentor. We met every week and celebrated each milestone
for the rest of the semester. Sophia transformed into an assertive,
passionate learner. Although she didn’t need me academically anymore,
Sophia and I continued to meet for her senior year. Just last week, I was
overjoyed to get a postcard from her at college: she wrote, “Mrs. P,
College is CRAZY…but don’t worry about me because I know who I am…”
(*Sophia is not the
student’s real name)
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