by Lauren Mann
You know the old illustration of a good neighbor is running
next door for a cup of sugar or an egg when you have run out. That is the kind of neighborhood community I
desire! Sharing baking ingredients and
lawn tools, really knowing each other and our families, being dependable to ask
a favor or turn to in a hard time. That
sounds a lot like what we desire in the church, doesn’t it? When my husband, Brian, and I moved to
Raleigh from Illinois 4.5 years ago we didn’t know anyone. I was looking to form relationships and
thought my neighbors were a good place to start. I asked neighbors as I met them if there was
any kind of block party where people got together. They told me there wasn’t and they were
ashamed to admit that they didn’t even know everyone on our 16 house
cul-de-sac. That didn’t discourage me
because I know people just need someone to take initiative and they can be
quick to follow. So I organized a block
party. It didn’t take much - I set a
date and time, created a flyer with the information, telling odd numbered
houses to bring a side dish and even numbered houses to bring a dessert, while
everyone would bring their own main course and beverages. I delivered the flyers personally knocking on
each door and met each neighbor as I explained the party. We all pitched in to bring tables and chairs
and ate outside in our cul-de-sac. The
response was incredible! The majority of
the houses on our street were represented and everyone was delighted to have
the opportunity to connect with their neighbors. I have organized 2-3 of these block parties
each year and we look forward to them every time.

The first part of our church’s vision statement says seek
after people outside the church, which is an active posture. I think too often church people can spend all
of their time with their family and friends who are all inside the church. While I think it is important to have
relationships within the church, we also need to have relationships outside the
church. Too often, I think we have more
of an attitude that people outside the church can seek the church and then we
will be welcoming, which is more of a passive stance. What if we really sought to get to know the
people around us who are not in the
church? Not with the goal to get them to
church, but with the goal of truly getting to know them, know their background,
know their family, know their concerns, know their joys and know what they
think about God, the spiritual side of life and the church.
I am incredibly blessed by the relationships I have with my
neighbors! In any given week I can
borrow several things from different neighbors. But those relationships don’t end with
borrowing things, I’m also blessed to share the highs and lows, the questions,
concerns and joys of life with my neighbors, and also consider them true
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