by Hampton Pitts
As I
fondly look back upon my past four years of service on Apostles Leadership
Council and ponder my involvement soon coming to an end, I am reminded of my
original thoughts and emotions when I was first nominated and asked to join in
service. There is no doubt I was flattered and honored to be considered. Our
church has an amazing group of leaders and the Leadership Council alumni list
is full of men and women I greatly admire. But inside, I selfishly worried
about my ability to truly give one of my most precious personal commodities.
all of us, I had a lot going on outside of church with commitments to family,
kid’s activities, work responsibilities. The list goes on and on. I wondered if
I could give such a gift of time and be committed to four years of service. I spent
much time in prayer and ultimately felt His strong calling to commit to this
service. But inside, I think I still wondered if it would be worth it. Looking
back now, I am amazed and humbled once again by God’s divine plan and how he
shapes and molds and blesses us if we will just listen to His will.
I envisioned as a gift of my time, has been totally the opposite. Serving on
the Leadership Council has blessed and nurtured me far more than any value I
could ever place on the time I have spent being involved. The love and comradery
of the other members and our Church leaders and Pastors has been a true gift
back to me and is something I will miss once I step out of service. Yes, we
work hard, and we wrestle with tough issues at times. But mostly we love and
support each other, and ask God to help us do His will in supporting our
Church’s mission. And through it all, I was constantly reminded that no gift I
could give would ever come close to the gift of His grace given to me.
that time at Apostle’s when we have a calling for nominations for new members
to join our Leadership Council. I hope and pray you will carefully consider
your role in this process. Whether it’s nominating someone you think would
serve us well, or considering service if you are nominated yourself, or just
being in prayer for His will to be fulfilled for our Church in this process. We
can all give a gift of time to that.
“I became a servant of this
gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of His
power” Ephesians 3:7
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