
The Sunday Set-Up for Sunday, July 27

Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you were unprepared for what you needed to do?  You’re on your way to the game and realize you left the tickets at home.  You go to the grocery store and realize you don’t have your shopping list or your wallet or your coupons.  You get home from school and realize you left your homework or your books in your locker.  My natural response in any of these situations is, “I’m an idiot!”
Being unprepared makes me feel like a fool.  And while the consequences in these situations are all relatively insignificant, there are events in our lives that if we find ourselves unprepared for we’ll not just feel like a fool, but we’ll actually be the fool.  Jesus wants us to avoid this.  In fact, he told us the parable of the Ten Virgins so that we would.  
So, don’t be a fool - Come to join us at Church of the Apostles on Sunday at 10am to make sure you’re prepared!

Reading: Matthew 25:1-13

Bulletin: July 27, 2014

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