by Maggie Lee

There is a great quote in the book, The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
which happens to be the book we were assigned to read with our mentor this
year. “So what about you? You’ve heard my experience, but your own conclusion
is up to you. No one can make up your mind for you”. Confirmation, for me, has
helped me in assuring my faith in the Lord as my own and no one else’s. This is
what I loved about Church of the Apostles’ confirmation: the environment that
made the service so awesome. During the classes and throughout the eight months
that confirmation extended over, all of us became a family. When you stand up
at the front of the church watching your family get confirmed you don’t feel
weird waiting up there, you feel proud and beyond happy.
Lastly, the day before
confirmation we met with the Bishop to prepare and talk about what to do after
confirmation. He asked us what we expected to get out of this whole thing.
After several minutes of thinking we finally started to spit out our ideas. We
all basically stayed within these several ideas: a more deeply rooted
relationship with the Lord, to have a better sense of the Lord’s plan, to serve
through the Lord more, to be a light to others who do not know the Lord, and to
focus on Him more. All in all confirmation at Church of the Apostles was so amazing and I
definitely recommend it if you are reading this and thinking you want to do
this awesome endeavor.
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” –Psalm 139:14
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