
Ukraine Team Update ~ 07/05/18

Dear friends,

As I write this, our Ukrainian students and British and American teams are dancing the night away in traditional Ukrainian style. It's the end of our second full day of camp, and the Ukrainian students have put on an amazing event celebrating Ukrainian culture with skits, songs, poetry, and, of course, dancing. Lots and lots of dancing. 

The students arrived at camp on Sunday morning, and over the last two and a half days, we've been getting to know them in Bible study and discussion, over silly games, and in casual conversations. We have been impressed by the thoughtfulness and intelligence of the students. In my group, there are several agnostic students who approach Scripture with a significant amount of skepticism, but they continue to participate in Bible study (for some, this is their 4th CCX camp!) and ask perceptive questions about things like human nature and Biblical history. We've also had some great informal conversations with students. This afternoon, for instance, one student asked to chat during our free time and shared his thoughts and concerns about the war in Eastern Ukraine and his hopes for Ukraine's future. 

Please pray that in the second half of this week of camp, the Lord will show us how to love these students well and will make our actions and our conversation winsome. Please also pray that the Lord will provide good, natural opportunities for us to have conversations with the students about Jesus, and that He will give us the words to speak. The days are really full, so please continue to pray for rest and stamina for the members of our team, as well as for good opportunities to make contact with loved ones at home. 

We are so grateful to know that you are lifting us up in prayer!

Catherine Wood

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