
Overcoming Pandemic Difficulties

As the pandemic lingers, I often wonder how you are. I picture your joyful faces and imagine hearing about what God is doing in your life. I imagine each of you has someone you long to see or visit. So many plans; so much undoing. I stand amazed and grateful for our Pastoral Staff, virtually gifting our congregation with meaningful worship. No small task! And, how blessed we are with a congregation eager to share God’s Word to our brothers and sisters in Christ! 

Recently I read the phrase, “I just want to return to what we had.” Do you, also, feel like you’re walking in a new world - caught in the middle of two unacceptable choices, wishing for what we had? 

We are creatures of habit—our schedules and agendas mold us into consistency. We don’t like change. I must confess little “snippities” escape now and then if there’s no consistency. Move the lens to a different angle, and picture what God’s perfect will may be in this pandemic.

As a young teacher, I recall the dismay and frustration our staff experienced when a program was rescheduled, or testing delayed lunch, or heaven forbid, playground was cancelled due to inclement weather! Teacher unease was not so much due to agenda as how it would affect the children. What then?

Children often approach change with apprehension, mistrust, and worry--for good reason. When their schedules are consistent, their lives seem to move along nicely, and growth is usually seen. Eliminate one thing...and look out! A child might become fidgety, out of sorts, or lose focus. With no strategies in place, a loss of growth is possible. Children need consistency. We need consistency. Life chugs along at max speed when schedules are consistent, and needs are met. Remove one precious asset? Uh-Oh! 

At my school, teachers were perplexed during a five-day streak of 100-degree days and “O-Dark-Thirty." My sweet first grade children looked like jellyfish out of water. We drank lots of water. We played Alphabet Bingo. We found plastic counters with flashlights—then added them up. We got hot! We ate popsicles. When we can’t have what we want/need, we get creative. Some get snippety. More in a moment...

We are so grateful for God’s provisions during this pandemic. My husband, David is being treated for CLL. Like some of you, his doctors recommend we all stay at home until there is a vaccine for COVID-19. Although we are not fond of the thought of hibernating for two years, I will support my husband’s health needs because it’s part of our marriage vows. This is just one of the difficult strategies people are facing all over the world.

We are only a tiny fraction of the many faces—all of us are in this together. I say this with the greatest love and respect for those of you going through much worse. We stand with you, elbow to elbow, praying God’s absolute best for you!
 “Do not resist or run from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes; they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances that I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me.  When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for Me... your needs become doorways to deep dependence on Me and increasing intimacy between on Me produces abundant living in My kingdom. Thank Me for the difficulties in your life since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance.” (Jesus Calling, May 10, by Sarah Young)
Back to my first-grade class … first I prayed to my Heavenly Source. Then, I searched for an alternate source of air coolant. Never have I been more elated as when I found a scratched and dented box fan! It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. Funny, those long forgotten “less than” items can cause us to give thanks when they supply the greatest amount of comfort in the present.

There is a strategy for assuring consistency in the lives of children and adults. Might not be popular or cool. But it’s one we can do for our Heavenly Father. Choose to overcome difficulties...for Him. He did it for us.

Jan O’Neal
May 18, 2020

Scripture References: John 15:5; 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, Ephesians 5:20

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