
What Makes U Beautiful? {Advent Proclamation}


What Makes U Beautiful?
A poem by Susan Benson

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

What makes U so kind & compassionate?
The reason is that U were willing to lay down Ur life to save us from the sin of the world. 

What makes U want to send your son down to set us free?
The reason is that U were willing & able to come to earth so that we might have eternal life.

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

What made U want to choose such a normal young lady a virgin to be the mother of your son?
The reason is that U wanted a simple lady to be your son’s earthly mother.

What makes u chose such simple carpenter to be the father of your son?
U wanted him to have good skills so he could survive in this world. 

What makes U want to suffer on that terrible wooden cross?
The reason is that U were willing to send your beloved son to set us free.

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

What makes us cry to U in prayer?
The reason is that we know U can help us in times of trouble. 

What makes people love U & yet they still do wrong?
The reason is that this world is made up of sinners.

What makes us love U?
The reason is that U care so much about your beloved children.

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

What made U want to have so many people following U?
The reason is because they love to hear U teach your word. 

What makes so many people write poems & music about U?
The reason is simple the reason is that they love to worship U.

What makes us give our all to you?
The reason is that U love us more than we could ever know.

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

What makes U so powerful?
I don’t know but if I did I’ll never stop loving U.

What makes sinners repent to U?
Because they need the loving kindness of U our wonderful maker.

What makes U beautiful?
The reason is that U made such a wonderful & beautiful world.

Susan Benson
Apostles Member

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