
The Sunday Set-Up for September 1, 2013

Readings for Sunday: Psalm 2 and Luke 22:66-23:3

Worship Songs for Sunday: September 1, 2013

Sermon Teaser Question:
With the secularization of our schools and universities, the increasingly anti-Christian legislation taking place in our government and the entertainment industry pressing the boundaries of acceptable behavior further and further every day, does it ever feel like our world is going to hell in a hand basket?  How should we as Christians respond to a world gone wild?  Come and join us at Church of the Apostles as we take a look at Psalm 2 and consider together how the Lord views all of this rebellion and what our response as Christians should be.

Each Friday we will post The Sunday Set-Up here on the blog. 
It will include the Scripture readings from which the pastor will preach, the worship songs we will sing, and a "sermon teaser" question from the preaching pastor.
It is our desire that The Sunday Set-Up will "set you up" for a deeper and more meaningful Sunday morning worship experience. Perhaps you will read the Scripture passages a few times over the weekend and become more familiar with them. You could also read over the song lyrics that so often are richly based on Scripture and are another way to bring the Word to life. And finally, the pastor's sermon teaser question will help you begin to think through what they will talk about in their sermon. 

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