I am excited to introduce you to our new blog at Church of the Apostles. We are launching this blog because it has become clear as we have grown that we need a way to spread the wonderful stories of all that God is doing in and through the lives and ministries of all of you at Church of the Apostles.
You can expect a variety of stories, videos, pictures, and reports covering the events, experiences, and perspectives of our ministries, outreaches, community groups, congregation members, and staff. These reports will be a short and meaningful way of keeping you in the know so you can pray for, celebrate, and join in on all that God is doing in our midst. (See below for a more detailed list of examples of stories that we will include on the blog.)
In the book of Revelation we are told that there is much power to overcome the evil one by simply sharing our stories.
Revelation 12:11a
They triumphed over him [Satan]
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony...
That is what this blog is about. I hope you enjoy it.
We encourage you to subscribe to the blog as an easy way to know when new stories are posted. You can also "Like" our Church of the Apostles Facebook Page to receive blog updates in your Facebook news feed.

1. Pre- and Post-Event Stories (Men’s Retreat, Women’s Retreat, etc.)
2. Updates on the Missionaries of Apostles
3. Updates about Apostles’ Ministry Partners
4. Testimonies/stories from people who serve with a Ministry Partner
5. Stories from Community Groups
6. Photo collages from events
7. Bios on Staff, Leadership Council Members, and Fellows
8. Explanation of Church Holidays (Advent, Maundy Thursday, Pentecost, etc)
9. Write-ups about the new upcoming Sermon Series
10. Readings, songs/lyrics, sermon “teaser” questions for Sunday services
11. Updates about the Ministries of Apostles
12. The story behind a song we will sing during the worship service
13. Testimonies from Congregation Members
14. Sermon follow-ups
15. A word from a pastor about what they have been learning
… and the list will go on